Thursday, May 1, 2008

Anping Old Fort

Anping Fort". Built in 1624 by the Dutch and completed in 1634.

During the period of occupied by the Dutch, this Fort was the capital for the politics and economy. From Ming Dynasty to Cing Dynasty, Anping Fort was no longer important and the government demolished the bricks for other usage.

During the period of Japanese occupation, in order to build the dormitory for the Customs, Anping Fort had been totally destroyed. They built a square ladder-style platform at original location. In the center of the platform, they built a western-style house. That is what we know Anping Fort now.

Remains of the city wall: The southern outer wall is located aside Yong-Han traditional art museum. The height is about 10 meters and the wall was made by red bricks mixed with sticky rice, syrup and oyster shell ash. The bricks with darker color were from Indonesia and the bricks with light color were shipped from Sia-men, Fuchien of China.

It's statue that in Anping Fort, but I forgot who are they.. ha ha..

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