Thursday, May 1, 2008

Anping Old Fort

Anping Fort". Built in 1624 by the Dutch and completed in 1634.

During the period of occupied by the Dutch, this Fort was the capital for the politics and economy. From Ming Dynasty to Cing Dynasty, Anping Fort was no longer important and the government demolished the bricks for other usage.

During the period of Japanese occupation, in order to build the dormitory for the Customs, Anping Fort had been totally destroyed. They built a square ladder-style platform at original location. In the center of the platform, they built a western-style house. That is what we know Anping Fort now.

Remains of the city wall: The southern outer wall is located aside Yong-Han traditional art museum. The height is about 10 meters and the wall was made by red bricks mixed with sticky rice, syrup and oyster shell ash. The bricks with darker color were from Indonesia and the bricks with light color were shipped from Sia-men, Fuchien of China.

It's statue that in Anping Fort, but I forgot who are they.. ha ha..

Chihkan Tower

Chikan Tower is the landmark of Tainan and it's most famous historic site. In 1653 the Dutch built "Fort Provintia" in this area, and the chinese name is "Tower of Savage". But Chikan Tower is the official name today.

Chikan Tower has survived different historical periods it's retains it's rich and graceful architectural aspects. Crammed with various kinds of steles, stone, rocks, etc.

That is the statue that establish in the front of Chikan Tower, establish by the Dutch

During the Ching Dynasty, locals built a Dashih Temple next to Provintia, it was the first Chinese architecture to appear next to a Dutch castle in Taiwan. When the Japanese took over Taiwan, Chihkanlo became an army garrison hospital. It was appointed as an important historical site in 1935. In the subsequent restorations after the restoration of Taiwan, the original wooden structure was changed to an RC structure, the front gate went from facing west to facing south. In 1971 it was listed as a Class I Historic Site

This is the Goddess that believe in Chikan Tower... The goddes of education...

After the successful suppression of the revolt led by Lin, Suang-wun during the Cianlong Reign, Emperor Cianlong wrote five epics to commemorate the event. He also made them inscribed on stone tables in Manchurian and Chinese. These tablets are the stone turtle tablets at Chihkanlo. They are the most magnificent and characteristic tablets in Taiwan.

Confucius Temple

In the 19th year of Yongli in the Ming Dynasty (1665), Chief Military Aide CHEN Yonghwa suggested to ZHENG Jing, son of ZHENG Chengong, that he build a Confucian temple in Tainan. The Confucius Temple, now more than 300 years old, was the first and highest educational institution in Taiwan, and to this day is a famous tourist destination.
Stone Arch of Higher Learning is the first thing we see. This was the school for feudal princes. As the Confucius Temple was part of the school, the Stone Arch was the entrance to the school.
The street leads us to the East Ta Cheng Arch, which is the entrance to the Tainan Confucius Temple.

Ta Cheng Palace is in the center of the Confucius Temple, the main building at the site. In front of it is a platform used for the Yi dance in ceremonial rituals. Decorated with hornless dragons. it is also known as the Royal Way. The 4 hornless dragonheads on the corners of the platform are for drainage.

Ta Cheng Palace was built in honor of Confucius, who was referred as the Supreme Sage and Teacher during the early years of Jiajing's reign in the Ming Dynasty-a status that survives to this day. The figurine here is made of wood. The sanctuaries on both sides are for the 4 companion matches and 12 philosophers, and Confucius' outstanding disciples and heirs.
The rooms to either side of Ta Cheng Palace are known as the East and West Corridors. It is here that a large number of tablets were kept for well-known disciples and renowned intellectuals for their efforts in promoting Confucianism. The buildings to the north are repositories for ritual implements and musical instruments.

Hall of Edification, in the middle is a reproduction of the 205-character Way to Great Schooling by Zhao Mengfu, a renowned calligrapher of the Yuan Dynasty. On the walls, on both sides, is a reproduction of a manuscript by Zhuxi of the Song Dynasty.

He he he...

Just it.. Little bit about Confusius Temple... Nice temple.. Although it's seems little bit messy.. But it's seems okey..

Monday, March 17, 2008

February 26,2008 Taiwan...

First day in Taiwan... We're arrived in Taipei @ 14.45... It was a really cold day...

O well... It still far far away from Providence University...

Ferry, working student from International Affairs picked us little bit late, but that was oke...

2 hours from airport to our destination... Long long long way...
So many things that I could see...

Something I realized... a lot of windmill in this area...

Then finnally I arrived at Providence University.... Horraayy...

Yahh... First day in Taiwan...